Sports Update- Saturday 15th February, 2020

Sports Update- Saturday 15th February, 2020
Senior Boys Basketball UAE Finals
In the first game we beat Abu Dhabi 27-26. A very tightly fought match with excellent performances from the boys.
In our second game Dubai beat us 26-14. Despite the defeat this was an another excellent performance. This was the boys best result against Dubai this year and shows the progress they have made since the start of the season.
Unfortunately, in the last game of the day Ruwais came out victorious after another tightly fought match.
Overall the team came third out of all SABIS® schools in the UAE. An excellent year for the team.
Senior Girls Basketball UAE finals
In the first game Dubai beat us by 10 points. However, the day got much better after that.
In the second game vs Khalifa the team won 14-11 with the whole team working brilliantly together to win a tight match.
In the final match the girls were defeated 12-10 by Al Ain. Another closely contested match that the girls performed very well in.
Overall in the competition the girls came third and were very unlucky to miss out on second place by just one point.
A big congratulations to all!